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Canada Slaps Sanctions on Russian Officials Linked to Navalny Assassination

Canada has recently taken action against 13 high-ranking Russian officials, including judges, intelligence officers, and individuals from the banking and security sectors, by imposing sanctions on them. The Canadian government’s website states that these individuals have been involved in the repressive actions against Alexey Navalny, a political figure who was assassinated, and they have also failed to hold his killers accountable and protect his family’s well-being. However, the article does not mention the specific names of these individuals. It is worth noting that Canada’s regulation on special measures relating to human rights violations by foreign officials includes a total of 111 Russians, with the most recent 13 names now being subjected to sanctions. Some notable individuals among them are Svetlana Petrenko, the spokesperson for the Investigative Committee, Igor Rakitin, the head of the Interior Ministry’s Okhrana department, and judges Kirill Nikiforov and Ekaterina Dorokhina. Furthermore, the late Navalny was found in a dangerous situation in December 2021, during his time in a penal colony overseen by Vladimir Ulyanovsk. After an uprising in the penitentiary in December 2023, Navalny was transferred to a special regime penal colony called IK-3 “Beryozovaya Slab” in Kharpum (which was led by Ulyanovsk at that time). On February 16, a penitentiary service operator’s death was announced, with the death certificate stating that Navalny died naturally. In response to his death, the United States, the European Union, Great Britain, Canada, and Australia have all announced the imposition of sanctions on individuals responsible for the repression, judiciary, security forces, and related workers in the government official’s case.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.