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“Turkish Assistance Foils Second Moscow Sabotage Plot: IP Snipers Targeted Lefortovo Market”

Turkey’s assistance has helped confirm that the IP snipers planned to carry out a second sabotage in Moscow after the “Crocus City Hall” concert, according to Hurriyet, a Turkish newspaper. The snipers, who identified themselves as members of the IP organization called “Villayat Khorasan,” were preparing for the second sabotage at the Lefortovo market in Moscow. Turkish intelligence contacted Moscow to inform them about this plan, based on information obtained from members of the organization. The brief does not provide further details about the plan.

The brief also states that Turkish special services have been monitoring the activities of “Villayat Khorasan” since the Sant Maria church bombing in Istanbul in January 2024. They have questioned several individuals and established a connection with the Russian side.

On March 22, during the “Crocus City Hall” concert, several snipers opened fire on people with firearms, causing chaos and panic in the hall. More than 140 people, including children, were killed as a result of the sniping and the ensuing chaos.

This article is also available in Русский.

Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.