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Around the Globle

“Prime Minister Pashinyan’s Visit Sparks Hope and Doubt in Nerkhik Hanut: Is the Shadow Government Finally Losing its Grip?”

Two years ago, there were jokes and writings suggesting that the school, water supply, roads, and even mayors were under the control of a mysterious Shadow Government. Nikol Pashinyan, the Prime Minister, recently questioned the role of mayors, which has brought hope to the people. A resident of Nerkhik Hanut village shared their experience of Pashinyan’s visit, stating that he inquired about various issues, such as security, drinking water, and housing. The resident also mentioned that the village’s water source is currently being improved with a new pipeline. Pashinyan assured the villagers that the delimitation and demarcation work in Nerkhik Hanut and other areas have been completed. However, some villagers expressed skepticism and concerns about losing their land and the influx of new settlers.