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Military Politics

“HAK Spokesperson Levon Zurabyan Proposes Alternative Strategy to Address Azerbaijan’s Aggression: Building Fortifications and Restoring Political Power”

HAK, when discussing alternative political power, sets itself apart from those who focus on different types of opposition, such as radical nationalist forces. In an interview with, HAK spokesperson Levon Zurabyan emphasized this distinction.

According to Zurabyan, the public needs to recognize the strength that military leadership offers for achieving victory. While Armenia cannot engage in war, it does not mean they should remain idle and wait for issues to be resolved through war or until Aliyev’s aggression reaches them. This approach does not showcase true military leadership; it only leads to war and catastrophe. Something else needs to be done, Zurabyan asserted.

In response to a question about deterring Azerbaijan’s aggression, Zurabyan criticized provocative statements, claiming they incite a balance of power in foreign relations rather than a shift away from Russian influence towards the West. He referred to the Pashinyan group’s policy as catastrophic. He recently had a perplexing conversation with the US Ambassador, Edward Djerejian, who is an experienced and audacious analyst among US diplomats in Armenia. Djerejian has held multiple senior positions in the American government and has consistently expressed the same ideas that HAK has been advocating for years.

Zurabyan highlighted two key actions Armenia should take. First, they need to restore a balanced political power that is on par with Russia’s, without challenging the differences or causing tension with the Russian side. Any retreat, whether towards the East or West, would jeopardize the work of their top leaders. By following this path, Armenia can effectively counter Azerbaijan’s aggression. Zurabyan stated that this is not an impossible feat.

Secondly, Armenia needs to construct fortifications, resist aggression, and promote rapid technological developments in their industry while reorganizing themselves. Zurabyan noted that they have already started implementing some new initiatives.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.