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“Astonishing Discovery: African Elephants Use Infrasound to Communicate and Give Each Other Names”

Researchers from the Public University of Colorado have discovered that African elephants are capable of communicating with each other using infrasound. They have found that elephants give each other names, just like humans, and also have names for important objects within their habitat. While it is difficult to understand the language of elephants, their communication plays a crucial role in their social lives. Like humans, elephants have a unique vocal apparatus that can produce infrasound, which is a low-frequency sound below the range of human hearing. They are able to recognize different combinations of sounds, indicating a developed hearing ability.

Similar to humans, a significant part of elephant communication is based on gestures. Elephants possess the ability to give symbolic meaning to these gestures, akin to how humans attribute meaning to words. However, the range of gestures among elephants can vary greatly and each gesture holds a different significance.

Studies have revealed that elephants communicate through “names,” distinct acoustic signals that are not directly linked to the physiological aspects of their voices, but rather convey specific meanings. This phenomenon is particularly common when there is a larger elephant with multiple young individuals. The imitation of these “names” is indicative of elephants’ successful attempts to communicate with each other. However, it is still not possible to conduct an “interview” with elephants and gain a clear understanding of their intentions and motivations.

This research demonstrates the complex and intriguing nature of elephant communication. While humans cannot directly converse with elephants, they possess a sophisticated communication system that plays a vital role in their social interactions and survival. Understanding this fascinating aspect of elephant behavior opens up new possibilities for further exploration and appreciation of these remarkable animals.