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“Unreleased for Days: 28 Yerevan Residents Arrested in Baghramyan Protests Remain in Custody”

28 residents of Yerevan were arrested on June 12th during the Baghramyan protests and have yet to be released. However, one of them has already been freed. On June 14th, lawyer Sergey Harutyunyan informed about this situation. Previously, Ter Samvel Vardapetyan, who was arrested during the protests and detained for 72 hours, was released. In response to these events, lawyer Sergey Harutyunyan voiced concerns about unfair practices where individuals are rearrested for 24 hours after the initial detention period. It is suspected that these actions are meant to intimidate the arrested individuals or facilitate illegal activities.

During the arrests on June 12th in Baghramyan, a significant number of police officers used excessive force against protesters. Riot batons were wielded, resulting in injuries to multiple people. One protester even suffered a broken arm. Journalists covering the event were not spared, as some of them also sustained injuries. In fact, an operator from received a foot injury due to the use of riot batons by the police officers. The Ministry of Health reported that a total of 101 injured citizens and journalists sought medical assistance as a result of the incidents in Baghramyan.

This news has raised concerns about the treatment of protesters and the actions of the authorities. The prolonged detention of the arrested individuals and the use of excessive force by the police are alarming incidents that require attention. It is important to ensure the protection of citizens’ rights and the proper handling of protests to maintain a peaceful and democratic society.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.