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“Victory in the War on Terror: Iranian Ambassador Announces Five Terrorists Dead and Record Drug Seizures in Sistan and Baluchestan Province”

The Iranian ambassador to the Republic of Armenia, Seyed Ali Jalilian, announced on Thursday that five naval servicemen belonging to the “Jash al-Adl” terrorist group have been killed. These servicemen were involved in two separate terrorist attacks against the security forces in the Sistan and Baluchestan province. The operations carried out by the “Raad” operation in Sistan and Baluchestan also resulted in the death of two members of the terrorist group. As a result of these operations, a significant amount of illicit drugs weighing 3,078 kg were seized in the province. Additionally, 82 different types of military equipment, including heavy weapons and mines, were also confiscated. Furthermore, 14 individuals have been arrested in connection with the recent terrorist attacks in the province. In total, more than 5.5 tons of various drugs were seized and destroyed during the operation.