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Government Human Rights Politics

“Political Contract Party Member Denounces Excessive Force at Protest: Calls for Peaceful Expression of Disagreement”

Vladimir Vardanyan, a member of the “Political Contract” party, took to his Facebook page to discuss his participation in a protest against the actions of Vazgen (Vagrat) Galstyan, the chairman of the movement. Specifically, he expressed his disagreement with the protests being carried out with the use of force, especially in Baghramyan Square.

As the President of the Public Affairs Committee of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, I cannot ignore the events that took place today. According to the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia and the international obligations undertaken by the country, everyone has the right to freely participate in rallies and organize them, as long as they remain peaceful and do not violate the Constitution or any international obligations.

The right to peaceful assembly and the security of participants are protected by law. It is prohibited for rally participants to carry weapons or engage in actions that may harm the peaceful nature of the rally or incite violence. The use of barricades, destruction of property, or unauthorized entry and exit from the rally location or its surrounding areas are also not allowed.

It is important to note that the freedom of assembly can only be limited when necessary to protect constitutional rights, society’s interests, or public order. Any restriction on a rally must be carried out in accordance with the established procedure by law and the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, and must be justified when limiting the fundamental human rights protected by the Constitution.

Based on the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, the European Convention, and the current legislation of the country, it can be concluded that the security personnel at the rally in Baghramyan Square used excessive force against the participants. The use of batons by the security personnel resulted in numerous injuries, including to journalists. One citizen even lost their eyesight due to the severity of the injuries. I wish all those who were affected a speedy recovery,” he stated.

Previously, had reported that excessive force was used by members of the Public Affairs Committee of the National Assembly during the protest in Baghramyan Square. The security personnel employed flashlights, causing an injury to a operator’s foot.

According to the Ministry of Health, a total of 101 citizens and security personnel sought medical assistance as a result of the actions taken in Baghramyan Square. Stay informed with on Telegram.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.