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“Exclusive: The Guardian Exposes Human Rights Abuses and Ethnic Cleansing in Azerbaijan Ahead of COP 29, Calls for International Intervention”

The Guardian, a British newspaper, has recently published an exclusive article shedding light on the human rights abuses, censorship, and ethnic cleansing of Armenians in Azerbaijan ahead of the COP 29 summit in November. This important climate change conference will be attended by approximately 200 governments, including heads of state from twenty countries. However, Azerbaijan, an authoritarian regime known for its limited freedoms and civil liberties, is considered one of the most repressive nations in the world.

The article highlights that the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the past year has resulted in the displacement of around 100,000 individuals from their homes in the Mountainous Karabakh region. Furthermore, one of President Aliyev’s advisors recently suggested renaming COP 29 as the “COP of Happiness,” which has drawn criticism considering the Azerbaijani government’s military actions throughout the conflict.

The Guardian also covers the efforts of human rights activists in Bonn, who have organized protests during the preparatory meetings for COP 29. These activists have demanded the release of 23 imprisoned Armenian activists held in Azerbaijan. The article features an interview with Ibad Bayramov, a researcher at the London School of Economics and an expelled human rights activist, who called for international intervention to address the deteriorating rights situation in Azerbaijan. Bayramov expressed concern that the country’s actions relating to COP 29 have disregarded the rights of its citizens.

Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.