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“Shirak Archbishop Ajapahyan Visits Baghramyan Square Amidst Violent Clashes, Offers Support to Injured Civilians”

Michel Archbishop Ajapahyan, the leader of the Shirak theme, recently visited Baghramyan Square, according to a statement from the Ministry of Defense. It is worth noting that the Catholicos of All Armenians had previously announced his intention to visit the hospital and meet with the injured civilians.

Earlier, there were reports of escalating tensions at Baghramyan Square, where clashes were taking place between protesters and law enforcement officers. The police resorted to using tear gas, resulting in a number of people being affected, and one protester losing a hand. Journalists and photographers present at the scene were also injured.

The Minister of Interior, Aram Hovhannisyan, acknowledged that the use of tear gas by the police had caused injuries among civilians, and as a result, these injuries are being treated.

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