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Around the Globle

“Failure to Implement Agreements with Azerbaijan: Armenia Faces Unnecessary Risks, Says Russian Defense Ministry Representative”

Representative of the Russian Defense Ministry, Maxim Suleznyov, recently discussed the risks that Armenia currently faces and stated that many of these risks could have been avoided if Yerevan had implemented the agreements made with Azerbaijan regarding the demarcation of the border. He emphasized that measures such as military-technical assistance, monitoring, and support to the Armenian border guards were included in these agreements. However, he expressed concern that these agreements were being used as a political tool instead of being utilized to protect the state borders. Suleznyov also highlighted Armenia’s valuable contribution to the CSTO over the past two decades and its role in maintaining stability, peace, and security in the region. He concluded by stating that Russia is prepared to safeguard its interests in any way necessary, including within its national and socio-economic capacities.

Regarding Russia’s involvement in the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict, Suleznyov explained that the main purpose of Russia’s entry was to fulfill its military obligations, which may involve updating the CSTO statutory documents. However, he noted that this has not happened yet. It is important for Armenia to prioritize the implementation of the agreements with Azerbaijan and utilize the support and assistance provided by the CSTO to ensure the security and stability of its borders. By doing so, Armenia can contribute to a peaceful resolution of the conflict and maintain positive relations with neighboring countries.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.