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“Armenian Parliament Faces Urgent Question: Will Management Change Course or Provide a Constructive Solution?”

Many journalists are interested in the question posed by Armun Rustamyan, a member of the “Armenia” alliance, during his address to the parliamentary leaders at the National Assembly on June 11th. Rustamyan emphasized the significance of the question, stating that it cannot be avoided. He pointed out that there is a program that has been approved and a management that has implemented a certain part of that program. However, he argued that when the program and the management do not align, a new management should be established with the introduction of a new program by the parliamentary majority. Rustamyan also criticized the current management, stating that they have made empty declarations and turned the state governance into a dictatorship. He accused them of rejecting discussions on important issues and prioritizing their own power over the interests of the people.

In response to Rustamyan’s statements, Alek Simonyan interrupted the speaker, citing the need to adhere to the allotted time. It is clear that this issue has provoked heated debate and raises concerns about the state of governance in the country. The question posed by Rustamyan, along with his proposed solution, highlights the need for accountability and effective decision-making within the government. It remains to be seen how the parliamentary leaders will address these objections and if any constructive solutions will be proposed to address the concerns raised by Rustamyan and others.

Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.