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“Armenian Church Leader Calls for International Support in “Tavush Boycotts War” Movement”

A leader of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Tavush has called on the international community to support the movement “Tavush Boycotts War.” This call was made through a Facebook post and aims to raise awareness about the illegitimate violation of Armenia’s security and territorial integrity. The movement has gained support not only in Armenia and the Diaspora but also internationally. The Archbishop appeals to business partners, emphasizing the need for change in Armenia and criticizing the current government for compromising its legitimacy. The political instability in the country is based on lies and undermines the authority’s efforts to secure the nation. The Archbishop emphasizes the importance of building strong diplomatic relations and countering the exploitation of foreign interests in Armenia. He calls for genuine leadership and a focus on protecting human rights in the country. The Archbishop believes that through peaceful and long-term struggle, Armenia can overcome external interference and manipulation. The news about this movement is also available on Telegram.