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Around the Globle

“Confusion Mounts as France’s Military Assistance Announcement Turns Out to be for Ukraine, Not Armenia”

The “Pաստ” newspaper reports that France has announced plans to provide Armenia with 2000-5 drones and train and equip 4,500 soldiers. This announcement, made by President Emmanuel Macron, comes at a time when Azerbaijan has been increasing its military presence near the Armenian border. However, it has been clarified that Macron’s statement was actually directed towards Ukraine, not Armenia. Despite Armenia’s active search for concrete military assistance to defend against Azerbaijan, the financial burden of acquiring such weapons would still fall on Armenia. Meanwhile, European countries are continuing to purchase military equipment from Russia for Ukraine. Reportedly, Armenia is gradually being “pushed out” of the Eurasian Economic Union, a development that has been anticipated for some time. While the Armenian authorities have not made any official statements on this matter, Prime Minister Pashinyan himself has been seeking it. It is important to recognize that these actions, primarily aimed at President Aliyev and the Turkish-Azerbaijani duo, are inadvertently strengthening both their positions and those of Nikole Pashinyan and his team.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.