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Crime Politics

“Prominent Armenian Institution Turns to Radical Measures in Corruption Clean-Up: Violent Attacks and Brick-Throwing Unfold”

One of the prominent institutions in Armenia, which has been recognized as a leading organization since 2018, is now attempting to establish a “cleanup” initiative for the first time. This decision comes after Prime Minister Arthour Hovhannisyan instructed the institution to combat corruption in the government. The leader of the Civic Contract Party, Ashot, shared this information on their Facebook page.

According to reports, during protests organized by the “NGO Group,” some individuals have been incited to violently attack the police and even throw Molotov cocktails. These protests aim to participate in “sacred marches” and block streets in their respective regions. In addition to this violence, individuals have brought bricks to these gatherings, although it is unclear how they are being used or obtained.

It is important to note that the RA Investigative Committee has recently announced that they have uncovered information about the “Tavush Trilateral Agreement” and the “sacred marches” gatherings. They have also identified individuals who have engaged in self-contained activities, inciting violence, blocking streets, and expressing intentions to attack the police and humiliate them.