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“Armenian National Television Network Denies Bias Allegations: Promises Unbiased Coverage Despite Manipulation Attempts”

The national television network of Armenia has denied allegations of bias in a meeting with journalists on June 5th. Ara Shirinyan, the spokesperson of the National Broadcasting Council, stated that the network follows normal procedures and remains unbiased. According to Shirinyan, advertisers sometimes mistakenly assume that news reports are influenced by journalists, but he emphasized that there are individuals who intentionally manipulate the network to present it as a government mouthpiece. The National Broadcasting Council of Armenia operates independently and cannot be held responsible for any opinions expressed during news broadcasts, according to Shirinyan. The President of the Council also expressed surprise at the spread of unverified information about the network’s alleged chaos.

It is worth noting that numerous evaluations by experts and authorities, including independent experts and reputable organizations in the public finance sector, have found that the national television network enjoys a high level of trust. It is considered professional and unbiased in its coverage of events.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.