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“All Asphalted Sections of M-6 Highway Restored, Ensuring Smooth Traffic Flow; Tufenkian Hotel Complex Also Fully Repaired”

All sections of the M-6 international highway have been repaired, allowing traffic to flow smoothly. In addition, the damaged section of the “Tufenkian” hotel complex has been temporarily restored. The Armenian Unified Infocenter has announced that heavy vehicles are currently restricted from driving on certain parts of the road, while light vehicles are still allowed to pass.

This news comes as a relief to commuters and travelers in Armenia, as the repairs have improved the overall condition of the highway. The completion of the temporary restoration at the “Tufenkian” hotel complex is also a positive development, as it ensures the safety and comfort of its guests.

While some restrictions are in place for heavy vehicles, it is important for drivers to adhere to these guidelines for the time being. This will help maintain the integrity of the repaired sections and prevent any further damage.

Overall, the recent repairs and restoration efforts on the M-6 highway and the “Tufenkian” hotel complex are important steps towards ensuring the infrastructure of Armenia remains in good condition. The Armenian Unified Infocenter will continue to provide updates on any further developments and changes to the current restrictions.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.