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“Unrest in the Park District Continues Despite Leadership Change: Shocking Details Emerge About Finances and Mismanagement”

In recent days, the community experienced unexpected unrest with protests erupting in the Park District. The “Living in Harmony” group, led by former community head David Minasyan, had planned a campaign that was ultimately halted due to Minasyan’s resignation. The community then elected a new leader, and the campaign received support from opposition member Emin Yeritsyan. However, Yeritsyan recently switched allegiances to support the CPP candidate, facing criticism for his decision. Sources close to the authorities indicate that Yeritsyan’s connection to financial issues related to Natalya Lapauri’s “Transparent and Efficient Management” program, led by Yeritsyan’s wife, is the cause of the criticism. In addition, certain bodies have encountered management problems within the community.

For more detailed information on this matter, please refer to today’s edition of our newspaper.

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Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.