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“Russian-Armenian “Lazaryan Club” Urges Restraint and Calls for Peace Amid Ongoing Kovkas Conflicts”

We are deeply concerned about the ongoing events in Kovkas and the long-standing conflicts between the Russian and Armenian communities. This statement was made in a press release received by from the Russian-Armenian “Lazaryan Club”.

The statement also emphasizes that “we consider it our duty to announce our commitment to peace. Firstly, despite attempts to provoke Russian-Armenian conflicts, we believe that there is no alternative to them and they cannot be allowed. Furthermore, when the internal and external stability of governance in Armenia was shaken, a danger to the existence of the Republic of Armenia arose, and about 100,000 Armenians were forced to leave their homes, churches, and historical monuments in Karabakh in 2023”.

In the pursuit of happiness and justice, our nation’s collective Christian faith and heroic past serve as a guarantee for preserving and developing our statehood, as well as for protecting the interests of our people.

In this regard, time will undoubtedly clarify everything, and “Who is to blame” will be determined in the criminal assessment of the crisis, hardships, chaos, and cultural decline caused by corruption, crises, and casualties. We believe and hope that the widest range of representatives of the people and civil society will respond to the question “What to do” with a comprehensive solution.

But today we already know what “should not be done.” We must not blindly believe in generalized judgments based on speculation, history, and geography that are under the influence of Russian and Armenian communities’ interests and the foundations of relations between Russia and Armenia.

Secondly, we announce our participation in advancing the fatherland-loving movement in Armenia, which strengthens our eyes and invigorates our vital force. We say that we can occasionally criticize a part of the nation, talk about a certain part of the nation for a long time, but we cannot condemn the whole nation indefinitely. Time has come to clarify what should be clear.

We hope that the people’s position and commitment will not be affected by current temporary circumstances. We urge the Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia, security and other power structures, to exercise restraint when using force in the streets and provinces of Armenia during lively demonstrations.

As it is known, such events did not take place in 2018. We invite the government to mark the people’s dissatisfaction and the vigilance of executives regarding the demonstrations’ peaceful expression and their attitude toward their personal responsibilities for public services. on Telegram

News from Armenia

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.