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“Prime Minister Pashinyan Reviews Progress and Plans for ‘Academic City’ Project at High-Level Meeting”

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan recently held a meeting to discuss the progress of the “Academic City” project. The meeting included representatives from the Academic City Foundation, gmp International GmbH Architects and Engineers, and the project’s construction management. Tobias Keil, a representative from gmp International GmbH Architects and Engineers, provided an update on previous discussions and suggested changes for the project’s implementation phase. He stressed the need for a detailed construction plan with specific deadlines and responsibilities. The Prime Minister expressed the importance of starting construction as soon as possible, given the availability of necessary information and materials.

The meeting also covered inquiries about the construction process and the specific steps to be taken. Yeghiazar Vardanyan, Chairman of the Urban Planning Committee, highlighted the opportunity to begin work on the landscape relief and non-priority construction phases. This would facilitate the completion of the entire complex. As a result, Nikol Pashinyan instructed the working group to create a comprehensive work plan to meet these requirements.

Transportation and the connection of auxiliary buildings were also discussed during the meeting. Zhanne Andrasyan, the representative from the Urban Development Committee, identified these as significant challenges. Pashinyan expressed his willingness to establish a working group dedicated to addressing these issues.

The meeting also addressed progress made on the transportation project. Several practical steps have already been taken towards implementing the proposed regulations.