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“Member of Parliament Leon Kocharyan Denies Falsification Claims in Yerevan Court Drama: Demands for Daily Falsification Nonexistent, Says Kocharyan”

In a recent hearing at the Yerevan General Jurisdiction Court, Leon Kocharyan, a member of the “Armenia” parliamentary group, addressed the main complaint against him. He stated that there was a daily demand made to him to falsify information, which he denies. According to Kocharyan, there is no evidence to support this claim, as even participants in the demonstration do not remember such a demand being made. Kocharyan also argues that he is being unfairly accused of inciting demonstrators to move towards the authorities. He believes that if the objective assessments of the authorities were made correctly, the events leading to his arrest would not have happened.

Leon Kocharyan was arrested during the Independence March in Yerevan on September 22. He was charged with attacking authorities, based on videos taken on mobile phones. Kocharyan was released on bail after one and a half months of detention, during which he requested medical assistance that was denied by the guards. Despite Kocharyan’s statements and the videos published by his lawyer showing alleged harassment, he now faces charges under the RA Criminal Code.

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Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.