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Around the Globle

“Lawyer’s Facebook Announcement Sparks Investigation into 90-Year-Old’s Homelessness: MIPT Addresses Concerns Over Surik Gevorgyan’s Eviction”

Lawyer Hasmik Martirosyan has addressed a concerning issue on her Facebook page regarding the eviction of 90-year-old Surik Gevorgyan from his apartment, subsequently leading to his homelessness. The matter has gained attention on social media platforms and has prompted an investigation by the general affairs department of MIPT (name of organization). A press release has been issued, stating that MIPT is in the process of investigating the violation of human rights in relation to this case and assessing the circumstances surrounding the provision of emergency assistance to Mr. Gevorgyan. MIPT staff members have already visited Mr. Gevorgyan to evaluate his needs and offer the necessary support.

Furthermore, discussions are currently taking place between human rights activists and the relevant departments of MIPT to address this matter and protect Mr. Gevorgyan’s rights. Considering his age, overall condition, and the actions taken, MIPT has granted an extension of ten days based on the findings of their investigation. The human rights department of MIPT is fully committed to ensuring his protection, which is equivalent to the safeguarding usually provided for lawyers and human rights defenders.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.