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IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi Urges Continuation of Negotiations with Iran to Avoid Military Solution

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Rafael Grossi is determined to continue negotiations with Iranian officials in order to address the election of a new president in the Islamic Republic of Iran. By implementing his own technical program, Grossi aims to ascertain Iran’s position on the matter. “My team was engaged in technical negotiations with Iran during the unfortunate incident of the assassination [of the Iranian president]. I hope these negotiations can resume. Once the elections are over, we will have clarity on who will be the negotiator on behalf of the country’s leader. Despite the challenges, I am committed to finding a technical solution, just like my predecessor. Military action should only be considered as a last resort, and I want to avoid that,” Grossi expressed in an interview with Der Standard newspaper.

Grossi also highlighted that Tehran possesses the capability to produce uranium for nuclear weapons. He emphasized that the new centrifuges in Iran are significantly more efficient and powerful than the ones restricted under previous agreements. According to him, the agency’s objective is to engage in discussions with the Iranian side regarding their nuclear activities.