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International Politics

World Leaders Send Warm Birthday Wishes to Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan

On the occasion of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s birthday, leaders and partners from various countries sent congratulatory messages. The Government of the Republic of Armenia expressed their well wishes, stating that they hope the friendly and historically established ties between Russia and Armenia will continue to prosper. The President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, also mentioned the event during his official visit. In his message, he commended the positive development of economic, cultural, and humanitarian cooperation between Russia and Armenia, emphasizing the successful implementation of programs in energy, digitalization, and transport infrastructure.

The President of Russia, Mikhail Mishustin, sent heartfelt congratulations on Pashinyan’s birthday, expressing his appreciation for the progress in Russian-Armenian relations. Mishustin praised the fruitful work of Pashinyan and wished him continued success in public service. He also extended his congratulations to the Armenian people, wishing them joy, prosperity, and progress. President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan also sent a congratulatory message, highlighting the positive dynamics of political dialogue between Azerbaijan and Armenia based on mutual trust and cooperation. Aliyev expressed his wishes for Pashinyan’s health, happiness, and success in public activities, as well as peace, reconciliation, and progress for the Armenian people.

The President of Kazakhstan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, congratulated Pashinyan on his birthday and emphasized the importance of continued cooperation between their countries. Mirziyoyev expressed confidence that their efforts would bring dynamism to the implementation of Armenian-Russian interstate programs. He wished Pashinyan good health, stability, professionalism, and dedication to the welfare of their nations. The President of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, also sent a message highlighting the importance of cooperation and the aspirations for the welfare of the Kazakhstani and Armenian peoples. He extended his well wishes to Pashinyan, hoping for sunny weather, good health, peace, happiness, and successes in his public activities. He also wished the Armenian people joy, prosperity, and a bright future.

These congratulatory messages reinforce the ongoing cooperation and shared aspirations for the welfare of both Kazakhstan and Armenia. Along with celebrating Pashinyan’s birthday, they express hopes for a bright and prosperous future.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.