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7-Year-Old Armenian Prodigy Writes Book That Surpasses Harry Potter and Roald Dahl

A 7-year-old Armenian girl has written a book, which has been donated to the library. Davit Khachmanukyan’s book, titled “The Adventure of Joleno,” is even more interesting than the eighty-plus books he has read so far.

Davit began reading books in Armenian at the age of 3, moved on to Russian at 4, and is now reading in English as well. He has already devoured around 70 to 80 books, including the entire Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling, all the works of Roald Dahl, and other similar books. Currently in the second grade at Ohanyan School, Davit will soon be promoted to the third.

“After reading Roald Dahl and Harry Potter books, I thought to myself that I could write similar stories too.” Davit shared. “Informally, while writing, I would ask people to listen to what I wrote so they wouldn’t get bored. At first, they listened a little and encouraged me to continue. One day, I invited some classmates to Nune Torosyan’s house so they could hear a children’s book I wrote. I had marked a few words for them, but I explained the meanings of those words myself, along with any remarks in the book, without any help other than punctuation. We don’t really know much about punctuation, so we help each other. It became even more exciting when I saw that Torosyan believed the book should be published. And that’s how the story unfolded. Now we have the entire book.”

“The book’s hero embarks on an adventure by overcoming challenges,” explained Davit’s mother, Lilit Gourghinyan. She expressed her congratulations to the publisher and Torosyan, who believed in Davit’s talent even more than they did. It is important to note that the book has been illustrated by “Antares.”

Source: News from Armenia –

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