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Law & Order Politics

“President Serzh Sargsyan Condemns Corrupt Judiciary: Verdicts Alone Cannot Guarantee Justice”

The court will deliver a verdict, but it cannot guarantee justice in our country with the decisions of a small number of judges. On May 31, President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan criticized the state of the judiciary, stating that justice has been corrupted today. He pointed out that certain individuals who have applied and criticized did not meet the legally defined deadlines. When asked if the same deadline applied to the third President, Sargsyan replied that he had not been impatient with the decision. He mentioned that there are other judicial verdicts available, such as the second court and the cassation court, indicating that there are opportunities for further legal actions. Sargsyan emphasized the need to fight against the aggression exerted on him and his business partners, even though it may not be possible to completely eliminate the consequences.

Source: on Telegram

Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.