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Around the Globle

“Ongoing Dialogue on Church Tax Sparks Questions: Government Advisor’s Bold Response”

The discussion surrounding the petition for the church tax has been ongoing for some time now. It all started when the topic was brought up and I questioned why it is being talked about at this moment. During a briefing with journalists at the Prime Minister’s office on May 31, Advisor to the Prime Minister Vardan Vardanyan mentioned the ECC representative Gagik Sardaryan and acknowledged that these discussions have been happening and have garnered much attention. He gave an example of how the import of incense was initially handled by the Ministry of Health but has now shifted to being imported from EEU countries.

In response to a question about whether the church benefits financially from its property, the representative clarified that if the property is being used for commercial purposes, taxes should be paid just like any other citizen or legal entity in the Republic of Armenia, regardless of social class.

When asked if she sees an end to her administration’s term, Vardanyan bluntly stated, “No, I do not see it.”

In regards to the ongoing protest led by Pagrats Srbazan, Vardanyan responded sarcastically, “Am I supposed to be unsettled by Vasgen Galstanyan’s movement?”

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.