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“Former US President Donald Trump Could Still Be Offered Presidency Despite Impeachment, Fox News Reports”

Former US President Donald Trump could potentially become the president again if he is impeached for inciting violence with all 34 articles of impeachment, as reported by Fox News on Friday. According to the channel, Trump’s eligibility to hold the position of president is not limited by the Constitution, which does not specify any term limits for former advisors of the president in the political sphere. It is worth noting that Trump won’t be the first advisor to the president to face such charges. In 1920, former US Vice President Jouqeb Debse, who is no longer active in American politics, faced a similar situation when he was convicted of conspiracy related to the US entry into World War I. Fox News also reported that Trump could be tried for domestic terrorism, possibly including the alleged transfer of funds from his election campaigns to his properties like Mark-a-Lago. Additionally, on May 30, New York Attorney General Daniel Strom charged Trump with financial irregularities at the Trump Organization, which involved payments to Stormy Daniels. The trial is scheduled for July 11, while the US presidential elections are set for November 5.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.