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Around the Globle

“Tavush Belongs to the Fatherland: Movement Leader Reveals Truth in Surb Anna Church Basement”

They are already small in number, they do not exist, they have always been so, but today they are more noticeable. Today, on May 30, in the basement of Surb Anna Church, the leader of the movement “Tavush belongs to the fatherland” Bagrat Srbazan announced about it.

“In a country where the Prime Minister does not care or does not want to go out. This is a huge topic for me. I have had conversations with him, shared bread and salt, but I do not envy, but the family, the state, and the truth are more than any friendship. There is no friendship, there has been or there is through the church or family means. If there is no one, there is no one else, but it is not me who determines,” he said. on Telegram

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.