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Government Politics

“Acting Prime Minister Arpine Sarkisian Denies Meeting with Former PM Kazharyan: Controversies and Rumors Surrounding the National Assembly Discussed”

The “Publish” show reported yesterday that during the discussions in the National Assembly, acting Prime Minister Arpine Sarkisian was questioned about her meeting with former Prime Minister Vahram Kazharyan, who was implicated in the destruction of the “NG Press” building. Sarkisian clarified that she did not visit the NG building but had previously planned to present her accounts there. When asked about the entrance to the building, Sarkisian explained that there is only an exit and that the change of the acting Prime Minister occurred at that point. It seems that Kazharyan may have intended to enter through the entrance, but Sarkisian did not permit it. Kazharyan may have had other obligations, possibly related to his father’s estate in Tavush. Reports suggest that he attempted to leave under pressure from Parshinian’s entourage, although Parshinian denies these rumors. Another question posed to Sarkisian was whether she was coordinating the opposition participants with the anti-government demonstrations, to which she replied, “I do not respond to baseless rumors.” The source of these rumors remains unknown. For more details, please check today’s issue of the newspaper.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.