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Crime Investigations Local News

“Tragic Fire Turns Deadly: 63-Year-Old Man Killed in Domestic Dispute”

On May 27, at 17:55, the Emergency Management Center of the Ministry of Defense announced that a house on 5th street in the Aznavur district caught fire, causing significant damage to the roof.

According to, the same address had previously reported a fire incident on May 26 at around 21:00. During the investigation, it was discovered that the fire had spread and resulted in burns to the head of the household, Levon K., who is 63 years old.

Criminal authorities have been involved in the investigation and have clear evidence.

The Lori Regional Administration and the Tomanyan Department of the Emergency Situations Ministry conducted an investigation, which revealed ongoing disputes between Levon K. and his 27-year-old daughter-in-law, who also resides in the same village. These disputes escalated to the point of verbal threats, ultimately resulting in the tragic death of Levon K. after he was attacked with a burning stick.

The 27-year-old daughter-in-law has been detained and taken to the Tomanyan Department of the Emergency Situations Ministry for questioning.

The investigation is still ongoing.

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