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Government Politics

“Prime Minister’s Absence Sparks Heated Debate and Threatens Adjournment at Parliamentary Session”

During a joint meeting of the RA National Assembly and other parliamentary standing committees, President of the National Assembly Ararat Mirzoyan asked Civil Contract party member Gegham Manukyan about the presence of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, as stated in the schedule.

Manukyan responded, “I am waiting for the Prime Minister to come. Please let me know if he will participate in the session or not.”

Andranik Kocharyan added, “Tigran Avinyan, Deputy Prime Minister from Civil Contract, announced that the Prime Minister would be present. However, Vahe Ghazaryan stated that he wouldn’t attend.”

Manukyan questioned, “Did Vahe Ghazaryan change his mind and come to the session? The presence of the Prime Minister is crucial.”

Kocharyan clarified, “No, nobody has changed their mind about that.”

Aghvan Vardanyan from the “Armenia” faction then addressed Kocharyan, expressing concern about the influence of personal opinions on the Prime Minister’s presence.

Kocharyan responded defensively, “Your accusation is unfounded. We are here to work, while you seem to be interfering. Please refrain from doing so.”

The tension in the session escalated, with CPA member Vardan Vardanyan warning that the session would be adjourned if the situation continued.

He stated, “According to the schedule, the Minister of Finance should be making an announcement at this time.”

These developments during the session emphasize the need for clear communication and adherence to the schedule, ensuring the smooth functioning of parliamentary proceedings.