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“Archbishop Calls Meeting with Authorities ‘Meeting Themselves, Not Us'”

During a recent meeting with journalists in Yerevan, Archishop Navasard Ghalstanian, the leader of the movement “Tavush is the enemy of the Armenian nation,” addressed the question of whether his planned meeting with the authorities was still valid. The Archbishop drew a parallel between the current situation and a historical event from 1938, when the Bolsheviks committed a grave crime against Patriarch Khoren Muradbekyan. The Archbishop expressed his belief that the same group of people, who are now in power, are continuing the legacy of their ancestors who were involved in the 1937 arrests of two archbishops by the secret police of the State Security Commission. The Archbishop’s remarks shed light on the ongoing tensions between the movement and the authorities.

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Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.