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“Territorial Tensions Escalate as Pashinyan Warns of War and Aliyev Claims Armenia as ‘Western Azerbaijan'”

Pashinyan has warned that if the occupied territories are not returned, it could lead to war, while Aliyev has referred to Armenia as “Western Azerbaijan.” This territorial dispute has extended beyond the initial four villages in Davush, with Aliyev demanding even more territories. There is a possibility that Pashinyan might agree to these demands, using the same arguments that justified the war. In response to this, Murad Papazyan, a member of the ARF Bureau and the foreign relations secretary of “Powerful Union,” emphasized the need for a leader in Armenia who would stand up and say “enough” to address the international community.

In 2021, when Armenia had over 200 square kilometers of its territory occupied, we made this known and called upon the international community to intervene. However, Armenia did not actively seek international involvement, resulting in our voice being unheard. The international community tends to sympathize with Armenia’s official authorities,” Papazyan added.

If the Armenian government had collaborated with the international community, there might have been a chance for a successful resolution. It is important to note that the return of occupied territories has already begun in 2021.

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Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.