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Military Politics

“President of Armenia Honors Outstanding Individuals with State Awards on Republic Day”

The President of the Republic of Armenia has signed decrees today, on May 28, to confer state awards on the occasion of Republic Day. These awards include state orders, civil service titles, and high educational degrees. One of the recipients, Artur Eganyan, the Chief of the Operational Intelligence Department and Cybersecurity of the NSS, was awarded a medal for his exceptional services in the field of operational intelligence and cybersecurity, as well as his exceptional preservation of national security.

Another recipient, Artur Lobyan, the Deputy Head of the Tavush Regional Administration of the NSS, was awarded a medal for his contribution to the military-industrial complex and socio-economic development. Additionally, Armen Gevorgyan, the Deputy Head of the Yerevan City Administration of the NSS, has been appointed as the Deputy Head of the Karabakh Conflict Department of the Defense Ministry.

Levon Levonyan, the second deputy head of the Vaverd area of Yerevan, was awarded a medal for his significant contributions to the military-industrial complex and military development. Lastly, Narek Khachatryan, a specialist in military intelligence and the second deputy head of the Aragatsotn Regional Administration of the NSS, was awarded a Medal for his contributions to the military-industrial complex.

This news is from on Telegram.

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