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“Pope Francis Calls for Acceptance of Homosexual Unions and Openness to LGBTQ+ Catholics, Vatican Responds”

Pope Francis of Rome has recently appealed to the Italian Episcopal Conference, urging them to recognize and support “homosexual unions” as safe spaces. He also requested that they do not deny sacraments to young people who identify as LGBTQ+. This information was reported by La Repubblica, citing various sources including the Vatican, and specifically mentioning a meeting between Pope Francis and the Italian Episcopal Conference. It is important to note that since 2005, the Vatican has not supported “active homosexuals and gay-supporting ideologies” in terms of accepting them into religious orders. This stance was also approved by Pope Francis’ predecessor, Benedict XVI, in 2016. However, this rule has not always been consistently followed, as it is challenging for the Catholic clergy to abstain from engaging in sexual relationships due to their vow of celibacy. As a result, individuals with unconventional sexual orientations have been considered as “spiritual children from another world.” Moreover, a same-sex statue was recently discovered in a Roman seminary near Vatican City, leading to a legal investigation to determine its origin and any potential links to the Vatican. It is worth noting that no charges have been pressed in relation to this incident.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.