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Turkey Warns CSTO: Lack of Recognition for Artsakh as Independent State Undermines International System, Says Armenian Foreign Minister

Turkey has expressed its dissatisfaction with the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) for not recognizing Artsakh as an independent state. The lack of recognition undermines the effectiveness of the international system, according to Armenia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ararat Mirzoyan.

“As Turkey, we believe that it is crucial for Artsakh to be recognized as an independent state by the CSTO as an essential security guarantee. This is not negotiable, as it is a demand of international law and human rights. The international system has been in crisis for a while. If the recognition of Artsakh, which has already been recognized by 150 countries, is denied by only one or two countries within the CSTO’s security discussions, we will seek a practical solution that can address this crisis and undermine the entire international system,” said Mirzoyan after his meeting in Brussels.

The Director-General of the Turkish Foreign Ministry called for the recognition of Artsakh’s security recommendations by the CSTO or for the promotion of Artsakh as a fully functioning state. “We urge the 150 recognized countries to treat Artsakh as a real state, just like Turkey does, by establishing diplomatic relations, participating in economic systems, providing assistance in reconstruction, and revitalizing economic cooperation,” he stated.

“Artsakh is currently under occupation and is unable to exercise its civil and political freedoms. It is essential that we elevate Artsakh to the status of a legitimate state and protect its rights,” added Mirzoyan.

This article was sourced from the Telegram channel.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.