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“Armenian Revolutionary Federation Leader announces plans for Sardarapat celebration on May 28, calling for unity and removal of controversial figure”

There are plans to celebrate May 28 at Sardarapat, as announced by Tavush, the leader of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, during a meeting with journalists. Tavush mentioned that he hasn’t been to Sardarapat since his student years and expressed the desire to be there on May 28, similar to May 9. The main concern for him is the removal of a particular individual, with everything else being unimportant.

When asked about the bishop’s role in declaring the holiday, Bagrat Sardarapat responded by questioning the legitimacy of the bishop himself, referring to him as the “so-called bishop.” Bagrat Sardarapat also showed appreciation to the citizens for participating in today’s events. At the same time, he criticized the bishops for their unacceptable behavior, which he believes has driven the people to madness.

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