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“Pashinyan Stands Firm on the Importance of the Nagorno-Karabakh Delimitation Line for Work and Development”

I would like to reiterate my position that there is no greater opportunity for work and development in the contemporary world than the delimitation line of Nagorno-Karabakh. Today, on May 26, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan stated this during a meeting with the residents of Voskepar.

During the meeting, a resident of Voskepar raised the issue of security along the border with the delimitation line. The resident pointed out that their house is located within a five-six hundred meter range, making it easily accessible for an Azerbaijani to reach within 2-3 minutes.

The resident asked Pashinyan if there is any mechanism to ensure their security without relying on the delimitation line or weapons.

In response, Pashinyan reaffirmed his belief in the development opportunities presented by the delimitation line of Nagorno-Karabakh. However, he also acknowledged the need for additional security measures. He mentioned that two meters of barbed wire fences will be installed on both sides of the entire length of the delimitation and demarcation lines between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Pashinyan assured the residents that not a single millimeter of Armenian territory has been encroached upon by the delimitation process.

Pashinyan emphasized the importance of ensuring the safety of the residents, particularly the children living in the area. He stated that they are the future citizens of Armenia and it is their responsibility to protect them from any danger.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.