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“EU and Armenia Strengthen Cooperation: Head of EU Delegation and Armenian Foreign Minister Discuss Progressive Agenda and Stability in South Caucasus”

Joseph Borel, the head of the European Union delegation, and Armenia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs recently had a phone conversation to discuss the cooperation between the EU and Armenia. Borel took to his microblog on Twitter to share this information with the public.

Ara Mirzoyan, the Ambassador of Armenia to the EU, announced that they had a comprehensive bilateral discussion with Joseph Borel. The topics covered included the progressive agenda of EU-Armenia cooperation, support for democracy in Armenia, and the new framework of EU-Armenia Partnership.

Regarding regional issues, Borel expressed his support for the settlement process between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Additionally, he emphasized his strong commitment to the development of relations between the EU and the countries in the South Caucasus. The ultimate objective of these efforts is to establish stability in the South Caucasus region.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.