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Government Politics

“Nikol Pashinyan’s Unexpected Twist: An Altered Speech Raises Questions at Rally”

Nikol Pashinyan recently spoke about the process of liberation and the historical significance of Armenia. However, he failed to mention an important fact: the preparation for its implementation. According to reports, Pashinyan had planned to address the opposition forces that oppose this liberation process, despite the need for a constitutional order first. This information comes from

Let’s break it down: By analyzing Pashinyan’s intentions, it becomes clear that he sent a strong message to the world. He stated that the process of liberation will be concluded during his rule, as evident from the expected public gathering on that day. His speech was challenging, indicating that the process of liberation has indeed begun. sources reveal that Pashinyan initially planned to dedicate a significant portion of his rally to the Holy See of Etchmiadzin and its leadership. However, he later decided against it and removed that section from his speech.

It is reported that Pashinyan wanted to emphasize that opposing the liberation process is tantamount to rebelling against the state. He believed that suppressing the largest opposition public gathering during the rally would help initiate a constitutional order. Official sources also claim that Pashinyan consulted with powerful leaders to ensure they were unaware of his intention to demand a constitutional order. However, they effectively prevented him from deviating from this path, as it is incredibly difficult to escape from under the carpet.

Therefore, Pashinyan’s rally today was met with unexpected anticipation and curiosity, since he had originally prepared a different speech but delivered an edited version instead.

In conclusion, the Prime Minister’s administration at the rally did not express satisfaction or gratitude towards the citizens.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.