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“Unveiling the Unexpected: Armenian Prime Minister Reveals Alleged Involvement of Foreign Countries in 44-Day War”

Do you remember the song, “My beloved, I can’t forget you”? Surprisingly, the Prime Minister of Armenia discussed the same countries. This leaves me wondering what he said about them. It’s important for us to clarify this ourselves, rather than relying on others to inform us. On May 23, during a press conference in Japan, Maria Zakharova, the official spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry, made an announcement.

“If their acknowledgment is lacking, it would be a diplomatic mistake to make such serious statements. Let’s leave it to the official Yerevan,” she added.

Zakharova emphasized that Russia had done everything possible. “Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke about it on October 17, 2020, through Russian television. No secrets. He stated, ‘Armenia will not be abandoned and forgotten.’ Everything was done to ensure this becomes a reality, as the President of the Russian Federation said.”

Politically and diplomatically, the Russian side implemented effective strategies following the war that started on September 27, 2020. Many will vividly remember the numerous phone conversations between the Russian President and the Presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia.

Sergey Lavrov, Russia’s Foreign Minister, facilitated meetings between the Prime Ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan after the military aggression began. These meetings led to a pause in the capture of Shushi, which opened the road to Stepanakert. This is well-documented and remembered by all.

On October 10, 2020, the first secret negotiations between the prime ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan were held under the decision of the President of Russia, Sergey Lavrov. It’s important to note that the ceasefire agreement was not yet signed in October 2020. At that time, the Russian President instructed the President of Azerbaijan to halt hostilities, and he expressed his readiness to do so.

However, the Armenian Prime Minister, Nikol Pashinyan, interfered with the military operations, disrupting the capture of Shushi and reopening the road to Stepanakert. This is a fact that is well-remembered by everyone and supported by documented evidence.

Thanks to the personal guarantee of the President of Russia, on November 9, 2020, it became possible to sign the ceasefire statement. This statement aimed to comprehensively settle the issue. These three documents, signed by all three leaders of the countries, are considered the only interstate roadmap for the regulation of Armenian-Azerbaijani relations,” Zakharova pointed out.

On May 22, during a government meeting, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan acknowledged the involvement of at least two countries, based on his assessment, in the preparation for the 44-day war in Armenia. He emphasized his desire to simultaneously investigate and create immunity.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.