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Crime Health Local News

“Explosion in Gegharkunik Province: Brave Rescuer Saves Driver After Horrific Crash”

On May 21, at 21:59, the National Crisis Management Center received information about an explosion near the village of Karjagbyur in Gegharkunik Province. The Ministry of Emergency Situations reported that an emergency rescue worker from the NCO had arrived at the scene after an emergency call.

It was discovered that on the Vardenis-Martuni highway on the 22nd, a “GAZ” car with the license plate (driver: S.S., born in 1962) veered off the road and crashed into a ravine. The driver sustained injuries.

Rescue workers successfully extracted the car, closed the gas valve, removed the driver from the vehicle, and provided immediate medical assistance. The injured individual was then transported to a hospital.

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Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.