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“President’s Eldest Son Takes the Helm: Akhmat Kadyrov Appointed as Head of Chechnya’s Physical Education and Sports Department”

The eldest son of the President of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, Akhmat Kadyrov, has been appointed as the head of Chechnya’s physical education and sports department. Akhmat Kadyrov previously held the position of deputy head of administration under the President and Administration of Chechnya, a role previously filled by Isa Ibragimov.

Heading the management of Chechnya’s youth issues will now be Ramzan Visamuradov, who will be supervised by Akhmat Kadyrov. The responsibility for Chechnya’s ecology and energy economy will be entrusted to Temirlan Khuchiev, the head of Chechnya’s environmental and energy directorate.

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Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.