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Ministry of Health Proposes Changes to Healthcare Management to Expand Alternative Treatment Options

The Ministry of Health has proposed changes and improvements in the management of healthcare in Armenia, as stated in decision No. 568-N of May 27, 2015, reported by the “Official” newspaper. One of the proposed changes is the expansion of the use of complementary alternative technologies in healthcare treatment, which is the right of citizens who choose to use them.

The first change focuses on citizens of the Republic of Armenia who are over 36 years old and have had more than two diseases. Currently, these individuals are provided with a comprehensive benefits package, and the age limit for eligibility will be increased from 36 to 40 years. This decision is based on the increase in the number of people in this age group and the occurrence rate of initial diseases, which is at 1.3 percent.

The second change is aimed at children with a second disability and a fixed-term residence in certain areas. It allows them to try alternative methods of rehabilitation and physical therapy, as well as provides one attempt at surgical intervention for qualifying couples. The woman must be between the ages of 20-36 and belong to the childbearing age group. The order of priority for medical interventions and services provided by beneficiaries of State-funded medical and social assistance programs will also include a 1.5 percent attempt at surgical intervention. Additionally, beneficiaries who are currently not entitled to rehabilitation services will be allowed to access certain medical and social assistance programs.

Furthermore, the project aims to expand the possibility of providing free medical and social assistance and support during financial crises. It also focuses on improving the living conditions of families and implementing interventions. The project does not outline any other amendments or improvements. To implement the proposed healthcare treatment, an additional 625 million drams will be required. For more detailed information, please refer to today’s newspaper or visit on Telegram for news from Armenia.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.