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Crime Government Law & Order

“Crime Rates Soar in Armenia: Alarming Increase in Serious Crimes and Disturbing Incidents of Violence”

The number of crimes in Armenia is reported to be increasing annually, according to a news article in “PAST” newspaper. In 2023, there were 40,666 cases of crime, compared to 37,612 in 2022, indicating an increase of 3,054 or 8.1% compared to the previous year. Even during the pandemic, serious crimes have seen a significant rise, with registered cases increasing from 880 in 2022 to 1,678 in 2023, marking a year-on-year increase of 798 cases or 90.7%. This suggests a continuing trend of crime escalation.

In recent days and weeks, there have been multiple cases of murder, assassination, robbery, car accidents, and other similar incidents reported. What is concerning is that even within school environments, incidents such as bullying, fights, stabbings, and others have occurred. The prevalence of drug use has also increased, with teenagers having easier access due to illicit networks. Unfortunately, resources, especially within the police system, seem inadequate to prevent such incidents.

There is growing concern about the responsibility of Nikol Pashinyan alone to protect the public from such incidents. When these events occur, there have been instances where thousands of people gather, blocking areas where Nikol Pashinyan is present and even closing streets or government buildings. Excessive force has been used against protesters, leading to arrests and violence. These actions create an impression of an unjustified use of force against citizens, bordering on torture. This indicates that the number of crimes in Armenia is not decreasing, and the situation of traffic accidents in the capital is alarming. Any interested observer can monitor these incidents from a distance using cameras, and even a small local incident can disrupt traffic for hours.

Generally, when discussing crime prevention and investigation, it is often mentioned that there are not enough law enforcement officers. However, the actions of the police force are lamentable, as if there is an implicit agreement between them and Nikol Pashinyan. It is astonishing that there appears to be a lack of an independent system, particularly in terms of justice. Only Nikol Pashinyan possesses the power to protect. It should also be noted that if the number of crimes in Armenia does not decrease, it will have a negative impact on the country’s reputation. I hope that this issue will be resolved as soon as possible.

This is the comprehensive content covered in today’s newspaper.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.