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“Biden’s Approval Rating Hits New Low: What Does it Mean for the Midterms?”

The approval rating of US President Joe Biden dropped to just under 40% in May, the lowest it has been since he took office almost two years ago, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll. This decline comes as Biden faces criticism for his handling of the presidency, with only 36% of Americans giving him approval in April. These numbers are concerning for Biden, especially considering the upcoming midterm elections on November 5. It’s worth noting that this month’s poll had a margin of error of 3 percentage points.

In terms of job performance, 40% of participants in the poll believed that Biden has done a better job on domestic policy compared to his predecessors. However, he also faced significant criticism from his supporters, with 34% of respondents opposing his approach and 30% expressing dissatisfaction with his responses to questions. His handling of immigration is a key concern among respondents, with 42% prioritizing this issue over Biden, while 25% still support him.

Biden’s handling of political polarization has received mixed reviews, with 36% of participants approving of his approach, while 29% support Biden. The approval rate in the US is currently divided among Biden’s most important allies, with one finding showing that 61% of respondents favor his city policy performance. Some believe that Biden is better equipped to handle the issue, while others feel that he has fallen short. Foreign policy and national security are also areas of concern, with 36% supporting Biden’s approach, while 29% side with him on these issues.

The current state of the US is one of the most important factors shaping participants’ opinions of Biden. Inflation has been rapidly rising in recent months, causing a significant increase in prices, while unemployment has dropped by more than 4% in just two years. Another factor that voters must consider is Biden’s age. At 81, some may question his ability to effectively lead.