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Armenia Extends Operation of Nuclear Power Plant and Prioritizes International Nuclear Safety

The Armenian Atomic Energy Plant has implemented several programs over the years to enhance international nuclear safety. Recently, the Republic of Armenia (RA) decided to extend the operation of its current nuclear power plant until 2036, with the ultimate goal of transitioning to new generation power. This announcement was made by Armenian Minister of Economy Ararat Mirzoyan at the “Building the Future Together” international conference in Vienna, Austria on May 20. Mirzoyan expressed gratitude to the President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Industrialists, Employers’ Confederation of Armenia for organizing the Central Asian Joint Forum on International Nuclear Safety and Security. He also commended Australia and Kazakhstan for their successful chairmanship of this significant organization. Armenia reaffirms its commitment to its obligations under the Non-Proliferation Treaty, as well as other relevant international documents and agreements with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Amid the rapid changes in technology experienced in the past decade, the global region, including Armenia, has recognized the importance of adapting and responding to emerging threats in nuclear security. Ensuring the highest level of safety and security in handling and managing nuclear materials remains a crucial goal. International cooperation plays a vital role in continually updating and improving international conventions and agreements. The International Atomic Energy Agency is at the forefront of enhancing nuclear and radiological safety worldwide. Armenia has consistently followed the international obligations set by the IAEA Safety Convention of 1540, as part of its National Security Priorities Program. Efforts have been made to mitigate the risk of misuse of peaceful nuclear objects, which include measures against armed attacks. Armenia is determined to meet the minimum requirements for the protection and preservation of the “Seven Immutable Security Features” outlined by the President of the Atomic Energy Commission. A continuous focus on nuclear material accounting, control, and preemptive measures against terrorist activities is also a part of Armenia’s commitment.

In conclusion, Armenia aims to reintegrate its national activity into the global nuclear security system to effectively respond to new challenges and ensure the safe utilization of nuclear energy. This conference serves as a renewed platform for cooperation and discussion, further fostering the safe and secure use of nuclear energy.