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“US National Security Adviser, Jake Sullivan, Meets with Saudi Crown Prince to Secure Ceasefire Implementation and Discuss Ongoing Regional Security Challenges”

According to a recent report from the Associated Press, Jake Sullivan, the national security adviser to the US President, met with Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to discuss the implementation of a ceasefire agreement between the two countries in terms of national security.

In response to the recent escalation of violence, the Saudi government announced the closure of military operations in the Eastern Province of the Middle East. This move follows a ceasefire agreement that was first established by Saudi Arabia in 1948 and has resulted in over 35,000 casualties.

The statement released after the meeting between Sullivan and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman highlights the completed plans for implementing the military agreement between the Kingdom and the United States. It also emphasizes the efforts from both sides to reach a ceasefire in the region and find a viable solution to the ongoing conflict.

Additionally, the statement mentions the importance of creating two states that fulfill the demands and fundamental rights of the Palestinian people. It emphasizes the need to put an end to the war in Gaza and provide humanitarian assistance.

Sullivan’s visit to Saudi Arabia follows his recent trip to Israel, where he had anticipated meetings with Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett. However, no official statement has been released by the US regarding these discussions, except for the acknowledgement that they included addressing the conflict in Gaza and the security challenges in the region.

While Saudi Arabia has long supported the establishment of an independent Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders and with East Jerusalem as its capital, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu does not accept this position. Netanyahu’s governing coalition relies on the support of right-wing factions that oppose the creation of Palestinian territories due to security concerns.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.