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Around the Globle

“Unrest and Violence Grip New Caledonia: One Dead, Public Buildings Set Ablaze as Protests Escalate”

The territory of New Caledonia in Oceania is currently experiencing unrest with ongoing protests. The mayor of Noumea, the capital city, reported one person being killed as a result. Public buildings have been set on fire, despite the presence of hundreds of police forces. The French government has deployed additional troops and taken measures such as implementing a curfew, banning public gatherings, and prohibiting the sale of alcohol and wearing shoes. The protests were triggered by reforms announced by Paris that would allow more French citizens to participate in local elections, raising concerns among indigenous leaders about the impact on the political power of the Kanak community. The French government spokesperson, Gerald Darmanin, also mentioned the possible involvement of the Algerian government in the unrest, but denied any significant interest from other countries like Russia, China, and Algeria in New Caledonia.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.